Ingrown Toenails Removal
In North York
What are ingrown toenails and how can they be treated?
Ingrown nails are when your nail edges or corners grow into your skin and are most common in the big toe.
Ingrown toenails can be treated at home. They can also cause serious complications that may require medical attention. If you have diabetes, poor circulation, or any other condition that can cause complications, your chances of getting them are higher.
What causes ingrown nails?
Both men and women can get ingrown toenails. According to the National Health Services, ingrown nails may be more common among people with sweaty feet (e.g. teenagers). Because toenails become thicker with age, older people could also be at greater risk.
An ingrown nail can be caused by many things, including:
- Cut toenails wrongly. Angle the sides of the nail towards the skin to encourage it to grow.
- Curved, irregular toenails
- Shoes that place a lot of pressure upon the big toes (e.g. socks or stockings that are too tight; shoes that are too narrow or too tight for your feet)
- Toenail injuries include a sprain to the toe, dropping anything heavy on your foot, or repeatedly kicking a ball.
- Poor posture
- Neglecting to care for your feet, such as keeping them clean and dry.
- Genetic predisposition
1 cut nail straight
To avoid ingrown toenails, it is best to trim your toenails straight across. You can also cut straight across a natural curve if your nail is curving. Never cut the corners of your nails.
2 can be hereditary
The virus is usually only found in the top few layers of the skin when it makes its home. It is far enough from critical systems to go unnoticed by the immune system.
3 excessive weight
Overweight people put more pressure on their feet and toes. This can lead to the skin being pierced by toenails.
4 Avoid Tight Shoes
Tight shoes can cause your toes to rub against the side or tip of the shoe resulting in an ingrown toenail.

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