Plantar Warts Removal In North York
What are plantar warts?
Warts can be a skin growth that’s caused by a viral infection of the Human Papilloma Virus. Although there are more than 100 HPV strains, only a handful of them can cause warts. Other strains are more likely to affect other parts of your skin and body, such as your hands or face. Hands, face, and genitals.
They are not related to pressure and can occur anywhere on the feet. However, they are most common on your heels and other areas that bear weight.
Although they aren’t usually a concern for your health and are not considered to be a major problem, they can cause pain and discomfort.
Risk factors & causes
HPV is a slow-growing viral infection that can be transmitted via direct or indirect contact. You could contract the virus from an infected person (e.g. You could get it from skin-to-skin contact, or sharing floors, shoes, or socks with an infected person. Because each person’s immune system reacts differently to viral strains, not all people who come in contact will get warts.
The virus thrives when it is warm and moist. It can be easily caught in communal spaces such as public pools or showers and enters your body through cuts or breaks in your skin.
This virus attacks the skin at the bottom of your feet. It causes the skin’s top layer to rapidrapidly grows and developsd, a fleshy lesion.
1 Plantar Warts Are contagious
Plantar Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus, HPV. They can spread to other areas of the body and are contagious.
2 May go undetected
The virus is usually only found in the top few layers of the skin when it makes its home. It is far enough from critical systems to go unnoticed by the immune system.
3 3 treatment methods
Plantar warts can be treated using vaccine therapy, peeling solution or freezing therapy.
4 Laser treatment
A laser beam burns the blood vessels of warts. The wart falls off when there is a lack of nutrients getting delivered to the area.

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